Sean Padraic McCarthy
Published Stories Links and Reviews:
"The Veil," forthcoming in Chiron Review, Summer 2024.
"We Can Hear Her Singing," forthcoming in EPOCH, Vol 71, No. 1, February 2024.
"All Soul's Day," forthcoming in Louisiana Literature, Vol 40.2, December 2023
"Something Salvaged," forthcoming in The South Carolina Review, Vol 56.1, December 2023.
"The Devil in the Wood," The Ignatian Literary Magazine, Issue 35, Spring 2023.
"Mr. Sutter," novel excerpt Bindweed Magazine, Midsummer Madness Issue, June 2023.
"Noel on the Bluffs," forthcoming in BULL Magazine.
"A Late Winter Dusk," Bindweed Magazine, October 2021.
"The Nokken," Into the Glen, Under the Shade Anthology, August 2021.
"Walpurgis Night," Cerasus Magazine, Summer Special, August 2021.
"The Dead Space," Ginosko Literary Journal, December 2021.
"Beckoning," San Antonio Review, July 2021.
"If You Are Here You've Gone Too Far," Dark Dossier Magazine, #55, January 2021.
"An Empty Sky," Passager, Issue 68, Winter 2020.
"House Arrest," as Daniel Hurley, Arzono Publishing, The 2021 Annual, April 2021.
"As Are We," Metamorphosis: A Collection of Stories, July 2019.
"Folks of the Lord," Disturbed Digest, February 2019.
"Castles," The Hopkins Review, Vol.11, No. 1, Winter 2018.
"Better Man," december magazine, Vol. 34, Issue 1, Fall 2014. Cited in The Best American Stories, 2015,
"The Wreckage, " New Reader Magazine, Vol. 1, Issue 4, December 2018.
"The Den, The Ledge Fiction and Poetry Magazine, No. 35, Winter 2013.
Take Sean Padraic McCarthy’s short story “The Den.” It’s a brilliant weave of humor and tease and politics, kind of like what you’d expect from David Sedaris if he were writing fiction or at least making a go of it in the third person: Review by Mary Florio.
"A Gentleman of His Word," Furtive Dalliance, Issue 2, Summer 2018.
"The Grove," South Dakota Review, Vol. 53, No. 1, Spring 2017.
"Render Unto Satan," Red Savina Review. No. 4.2, Fall 2016.
"A Solstice Memory," On Fire Anthlogy, Transmundane Press, Fall 2017.
"The Word," Chiron Review, Issue #103, Spring 2016.
"Are You Listening to Me Now?" KAIROS, Vol. 2, Summer 2018.
"The Well," The Indianola Review, Issue 2, Spring 2016.
"The Channel," Scarlet Leaf Review, January 2019.
"Speak to Me," Glimmer Train Stories, Issue 91, Fall 2014.
“Speak to Me” by Sean Padraic McCarthy, is a ghost story. Jack, the main character, has a brother Christopher, who rents a beach house near Boston then dies of cancer early in the summer. Christopher then appears to several relatives who stay at the beach house--review by Robert Boucheron.
Glimmer Train Issue 91, Back pages photo, Nantasket Beach, Summer 2011.
"The Piper," Glimmer Train Stories, Issue 81, Winter 2012.
"Preservation," Glimmer Train Stories, Issue 72, Fall 2009.
"Atrophy," Glimmer Train Stories, Issue 62, Spring 2007.
"The Nokken," Euphony, Summer 2015.
"A Midsummer Song," Legends, Spring and Summer 2014.
"Beautiful," West Trade Review, Vol. 7, Spring 2016.
"Old Friends," The Mulberry Fork Review, Issue 2, September 2014.
"One Is All They Need," Supernatural Tales, 33, Fall 2016.
"Silens Nox," Water~Stone Review, Vol 20, Fall 2017.
"In Another Time," december magazine, Vol. 24, Winter 2013.
"The Proposal," Blue Bonnet Review. May 2017
"Sean Padraic McCarthy‘s fiction piece, “In Another Time” was just that but so much more. McCarthy chooses a father-daughter story in which the present and future are told back and forth...It was a beautifully told story, to say the least."--Review by Pedro Ramirez.
"Tell Me Something Good," Water~Stone Review, Vol.13, Fall 2010.
"The Circle Game," Surreal Nightmares, Vol II, February 2018.
"The Bird," Prole, #20, Fall 2016.
"Breakers," 2 Bridges Review, Issue 5, Spring 2016.
"The Sheut," The Lost Country, Vol. 4, No. 1, Fall 2015.
"Tuesday's Gone," Existere, Vol 34, Issue 1, Fall 2014.
"Imprints," The Wagon Magazine, Vol. 2, Issue 2, May 2017.
"A New England Postcard," KAIROS, Vol. 1, Summer 2017.
"Brain Damage," Hidden Chapter, Winter 2012.
"Flowers," The Sewanee Review, Vol. CXIV, No. 3, Summer 2006.
"Alistair," REAL:Regarding Arts and Letters, 38.1, Fall/Winter 2014.
"Teeth," Empty Sink Publishing, Issue 9. October 2014.
"The Man Who Walks Beside the Sea," Art from Art Anthology, Summer 2011.
"Sean Padraic McCarthy’s “The Man Who Walks Beside the Sea” rank among the most compelling and well-crafted in the collection..."--Review by Tracy Debrincat.
"On the Precipice of Sleep," Passages North, Vol. 27.1, Winter/Spring 2006.
"The Man in the Blue Shirt," Hayden's Ferry Review, #41, Fall/Winter 2007-2008.
"Proteus's Net," Forge, Issue 7.2, Fall 2013.
"The Laumes," From the Depths, Fall 2013.
"The Boy," Crack the Spine, Issue 70, July 2013.
"Far from Aiaia," Shadowgraph Magazine, Issue 2, Summer 2014.
"Sinner," Salt Hill, No. 16, Summer 2004: 158-178.
"The Clam Diggers," Bluestem, March 2011.
"Songs from the Woods," Red Cedar Review,#44, 2009.
The Aberrant, Other Voices, Vol. 19, No. 45, Fall/Winter 2006.
"Rabbits," Oyez Review, Vol. 31, Winter 2003/2004.
"Undertow," The Green Hills Literary Lantern, No. 13, Fall 2002.
"On Pembroke Road," The Larcom Review, Vol 2, Issue 1, Spring/Summer 2000.
"The Gospel According to Lawrence," Kestrel, Issue 9, Spring 1997.
"After Mass," Hudson Valley Echoes, Issue 29, Summer 1993.